
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Plans now available for the Mk III Combination Shaving Horse and Bowl Carving Bench.

At last, I have completed the plans for the awesome MkIII Shaving Horse and Bowl Carving Bench Combination.These plans are now available for purchase. This device has received considerable interest since I first posted about it in May 2015:
Combining a Shaving Horse and Bowl Carving Bench - My "Mk III" Shaving Horse.

The plans I have produced are comprehensive, consisting of nine A3 pages made up of scale drawings and some photos, but you can always print them out in A4 if you wish. Available in pdf format, the cost is AUD$50, which at the current exchange rate is approx. US$37. To all those who have been waiting, my sincere apologies. I had hoped the plans would be available on my hew website, but this is not yet operational. So rather than have you keep waiting around, there is a way forward here:

To purchase these plans, you can go to either our ETSY Shop 
Kind regards,
Greg Miller, 9 December 2017.
She's a beautiful thing, powerful and effective as a Shaving Horse.

The Auxillary Vice and Post enable bowls to be gripped on edge when shaping the outside. 

The folding wedge and end stop system on the solid bench grips bowl blanks nicely for hollowing with an adze. 

It all folds away, with the legs fixed back flat for transit. Very handy.